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This section will provide a variety of information for those who farm or run a farming business. This section will provide information on grant opportunities, workshops and information relevant to agriculture in St.-Charles.

Agricultural Library

Click Here

Funding/Grant Opportunities

Click Here

Starting a Farm in Ontario - Business Information Bundle for New Farmers

Click Here

Soil Map and Plant Hardiness Zones of St.-Charles

  • Click Here For soil maps of St.-Charles. From Ministry of Agriculture and Food
  • Click Here For Plant Hardiness Zone Maps of St.-Charles.
    St.-Charles is Plant Hardiness Zone 4a
  • Click Here For Agricultural Information Atlas

Crop and Livestock Information

Fruit Tree Nurseries in Ontario click here

Specialty crop opportunities click here

Agriculture Information Sheet for Northern Ontario

Contains information on crops and livestock being produced in Northern Ontario. Also gives information on number of farms in Northern Ontario and the Province as a whole and value of these markets. This information can help you decide what to produce on your farm based on what other farmers are able to grow or produce.

Click here For the information sheet (broken down into districts) from OMAFRA

Alternative Livestock Information

Information provided from other sources.

Small Flock Rules / Regulations

Click Here (Provided by Chicken Farmers of Ontario)

Heritage Livestock Breeds

“Heritage breeds are traditional livestock breeds that were raised by our forefathers. These are the breeds of a bygone era, before industrial agriculture became a mainstream practice. These breeds were carefully selected and bred over time to develop traits that made them well-adapted to the local environment and they thrived under farming practices and cultural conditions that are very different from those found in modern agriculture.

Traditional, historic breeds retain essential attributes for survival and self-sufficiency – fertility, foraging ability, longevity, maternal instincts, ability to mate naturally, and resistance to diseases and parasites”. (From www.livestockconservancy.org)

For a full list of heritage livestock breeds including poultry Click Here

Listing of local/regional organizations that encompass the Municipality of St.-Charles:


Nipissing West East Sudbury Soil & Crop Improvement Association
Owners: Mitch Deschatelets - President - Normand Delorme - Secretary
Tel: (705) 594-2324
Tel: (705) 753-9470

Sudbury West Nipissing Cattlemen's Association
Owners: Dan Lafontaine, President
Tel: (705) 855-0440
[email protected]

West Nipissing East Sudbury Dairy Producers Committee
Owners: Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, President
Tel: (705) 898-7802
[email protected]

Northern Ontario Agri-Food Education & Marketing Inc
Owners: Pat Marcotte, Secretary
Tel: (705) 694-5686
[email protected]

Northeastern Ontario New Farmers Network
Owners: Allison Muckle, Coordinator
Tel: (705) 694-0165
[email protected]

Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency - District 11
Owners: Colleen Alloi, District Director
Tel: (705) 248-3287
[email protected]

Sudbury and District Beekeepers Association
Owners: President - Wayne Leblanc
Tel: (705) 692-5925

Eat Local Sudbury

For More Information On Eat Local Sudbury Click Here

Information on becoming a member and selling at the Eat Local Sudbury Store. Click Here

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