to the Municipality of

Tax Certificate Application

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    Under section 352(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25

    Particulars of Property

    Person Making Application

    About This Application

    Reason for This Request:

    Who is Prospective:

    Has this property been created from a recent severance or plan of subdivision:

    Is this property in the process of being severed?:

    If Sale is in Process, Give Name of Prospective Purchaser and Date of Closing

    (If company, please include contact name, position & phone number)

    Information about the completion of this form may be requested from the Tax Department at 705-867-2032 Ext. 203.

    Please verify from your records that this certificate is for the property that you have requested, as no responsibility is accepted for a certificate other than for the property for which this certificate has been issued.

    Application cost: $30

    ([email protected])

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