Grants/Funding For Agriculture
This section has information on funding and grant opportunities for farmers and agriculture businesses.
Available Grant Opportunities
The GF2 Program offers funding assistance to established producers, processors, organizations and collaborations to grow profits, expand markets and manage shared risks. Funding assistance supports six areas of focus where individual businesses can apply for cost-share for Capacity Building activities and Project Implementation. Innovation is a key component present throughout all areas of focus.
Local Food Fund (ON HOLD)
The Local Food Fund is another key component of the strategy and is designed to support innovative local food projects that celebrate local food, and help create jobs and economic growth in Ontario.
The Fund supports projects in four categories:
- Regional and Local Food Networks
- Enhanced Technologies, Capacity and/or Minor Capital
- Research and Best Practices
- Education, Marketing and Outreach
For more information on the fund, please see the online guidebook.
The Sustainable New Agricultural Products (SNAP) Program
DEADLINE EXTENDED! Applications will be accepted until October 31, 2014.
Eligible applicants must be a legal entity with the authority to enter into a legal agreement seeking assistance to purchase equipment to add value or create an agriculture or food product new to the business. Examples of a legal person could include corporations or not-for-profit organizations, primary producers, processors, distributors, First Nations, Metis and Inuit. Collaborations will be accepted of up to three applicants. Each applicant in the collaboration must be a legal entity. Applicants must have at least one component of their business located in northern Ontario. Collaborations must be composed of 75 per cent of businesses, organizations or persons located in northern Ontario.
Eligible Projects
- Projects related to the development or expansion of agriculture or food products grown, processed or manufactured in northern Ontario; and
- Projects that result in the creation of an agriculture or food product new to the business.
Eligible Costs
All costs shall be limited to the purchase of equipment that results in production of an agriculture or food product new to the business. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:
- Food processing equipment;
- Fibre processing equipment;
- High-tunnels or greenhouse structures for season extension;Food packaging equipment.
Ineligible Costs
- Costs for installation or servicing of project equipment not associated with initial purchase;
- Rolling stock or inventory;
- Vehicles;
- Labour costs;
- Consumables (any non-permanent equipment, products or structures that cannot be used for multiple years);
- Purchase or lease of lands or buildings;
- Gifts or incentives; Costs incurred prior to March 1, 2014 or after February 1, 2015.
Up to $5,000.00 (at 80%) in assistance may be provided per applicant for any of the eligible activities outlined above. For collaborations, a maximum of $15,000 is available (at 80%). Total Canadian Government Funding is limited to 100% of the total Eligible Costs. Applicants are required to disclose any other government assistance (federal, provincial or municipal) received or requested for the Eligible Project Costs.
Application Intake Period and Review
Applications to the SNAP program will be accepted from April 24, 2014 through to October 31, 2014. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis, and successful applicants notified as projects are reviewed.
Program Selection Criteria
Applicants to the SNAP program will be rated on the following:
- Project results in the creation of a new agriculture or food product(s) to the business/collaboration;
- Project will result in more agriculture/food products being sold in northern Ontario, or from northern Ontario businesses to markets;
- Project applicant(s) demonstrate a history of successful project management;
- Project applicant(s) demonstrate an ability to finance their contribution to the project;
- *Collaborations Only: Project applicants have a signed agreement between project parties pertaining to the project, which includes each collaborators role in the project, financial contribution, and the collaboration’s history of work together;
- The project exhibits potential for success;
- The project will contribute to the economy in northern Ontario, including having the potential for job creation/retention;
- The project will benefit other northern Ontario businesses or consumers.
Contributory Requirement
Applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable administrative fee of $200.00. Contribution must be received before any payment is advanced to contractors/suppliers.
Other Program Requirements
- Applicant will be required to attach a copy of their Articles of Incorporation or Business Name Registration, whichever is applicable.
- A completed Client Intake Form.
- All projects approved under this program must be completed and invoice(s) submitted to the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre on or before February 1, 2015.
- Client to refer to the reporting requirements stated in the program terms and conditions info sheet before February 1, 2015.
Contact Information
The SNAP Program is administrated by the Rural Agri-Innovation Network in collaboration with Clover Valley Farmers’ Market, Eat Local Sudbury Co-operative and the Northeast Community Network.
Sudbury Regional/ Parry Sound/ Nicklebelt/ Muskoka Coordinator Eat Local Sudbury Julia Sutton, [email protected],705-685-7532.
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC)
NOHFC is accepting applications for individual agricultural projects through the Northern Business Opportunity Program.
New farms can apply for funding under the Small Business Start-Up Stream( or the Business Expansion Stream ( depending on the needs/size of the project.
For new farms, NOHFC will consider all agricultural buildings, equipment, and storage facility costs as eligible for support. Marketing and third-party training costs are also eligible for support.
Existing farms can apply under the Business Expansion Stream.
For existing farms, NOHFC will consider only those building, equipment, and storage facility costs that are incremental to the existing operation as eligible for support (e.g. assets that are needed on the farm to support the growth activities). Replacement or upgrade of existing assets is not eligible. Marketing and third-party training costs are also eligible for support.
Who is Eligible?
- Farm businesses are eligible to apply.
What is Eligible?
- Capital costs associated with starting or expanding a farm operation, namely capital construction, leasehold improvements, storage facility costs and new or used equipment.
- Marketing costs are also eligible at up to 20 per cent of other eligible project costs.
- Training costs incurred with third-parties will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Land clearing and/or tile drainage contractor costs (materials and labour).
- Quota (e.g. milk quota, poultry quota, egg quota).
- Permanent and predator-proof fencing.
What is not Eligible?
- The ineligible costs and activities listed in the program guidelines.
- For projects under the Small Business Start-Up Stream:
- NOHFC will fund 50 per cent of eligible costs.
- 100 per cent of the funding is in the form of a conditional grant up to $250,000 per project.
- For projects under the Business Expansion Stream:
- NOHFC will fund 50 per cent of eligible costs that are incremental to the existing operation.
- 30 per cent of the funding is in the form of a conditional contribution with 70 per cent as a repayable loan for a combined maximum of up to $1 million per project.
General Guidelines
- Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with OMAF and MRA staff on viability of projects that are proposed.
- An OMAF and MRA technical review is a mandatory part of the due diligence process.
Northern Business Opportunity Program - Business Expansion Projects
The Northern Business Opportunity Program supports the vision of the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario by encouraging business productivity and expansion, and global investment in northern communities.
Who is Eligible?
Existing businesses in Ontario that intend to expand and/or retain their operations within Northern Ontario to improve competitiveness, grow revenues and create jobs in the following sectors identified and further described in the Growth Plan:
- advanced manufacturing
- agriculture, aquaculture and food processing
- arts, culture and creative industries
- digital economy
- forestry and value-added forestry-related industries
- health sciences
- minerals sector and mining supply and services
- renewable energy and services
- tourism
- transportation, aviation and aerospace
- water technologies and services
Other business activities that, in the opinion of the NOHFC Board of Directors, will result in an economic development advantage for Northern Ontario will be considered.
What is Eligible?
Eligible project costs include but are not limited to:
- capital construction
- leasehold improvements
- new or used equipment
- training costs incurred with third parties
- land servicing costs
- information & communications technology investments including, but not limited to, software
- The proposed project should not unreasonably impact existing Northern Ontario businesses.
- The proposed project should result in net economic benefits for Northern Ontario.
- The applicant is expected to apply for balance of funding/financing necessary to implement the project.
- Consideration of funding will be based upon the creation of full-time equivalent jobs in Northern Ontario.
NOHFC assistance will generally not exceed 50% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of $1 million per project. In exceptional circumstances, the NOHFC may consider exceeding the $1 million maximum on a case-by-case basis.
Up to 30% of the NOHFC funding may be in the form of a conditional grant with the remainder in the form of a repayable loan. Where a conditional grant is not provided the NOHFC may consider incentive term loans on a case-by-case basis.
Not all projects meeting the program criteria outlined above will receive funding. Applications will be accepted under this program until March 31, 2017. This is subject to change without any prior notice.
How to Apply
Send completed application forms to: Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation 70 Foster Drive, Suite 200 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 6V8 fax: 1-705-945-6701 email: [email protected](link sends e-mail)
Northern Business Opportunity Program - New Investment Projects
The Northern Business Opportunity Program supports the vision of the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario by encouraging business productivity and expansion, and global investment in northern communities.
Who is Eligible?
Competitive businesses that currently do not have a presence in Ontario that will expand operations to Northern Ontario and create jobs.
What is Eligible?
Preference is given to those projects that demonstrate the following:
- creation of new jobs
- ability to become a new anchor for investments and/or support regional cluster development
- alignment with the priority sectors identified in the Growth Plan For Northern Ontario, 2011
- The proposed project should not unreasonably impact existing Northern Ontario businesses.
- The proposed project should result in net economic benefits for Northern Ontario.
- The business will have to identify other funding sources necessary to implement the project.
- Consideration of funding will be based upon the creation of full-time equivalent jobs in Northern Ontario.
NOHFC will provide assistance in the form of a conditional grant or a combination of a conditional grant and term loan/incentive term loan on a case-by-case basis.
Not all projects meeting the program criteria outlined above will receive funding. Applications will be accepted under this program until March 31, 2017. This is subject to change without any prior notice.
How to Apply
Send completed application forms to:
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation 70 Foster Drive, Suite 200 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 6V8 fax: 1-705-945-6701 email: [email protected] (link sends e-mail)