Home Building & By-Law EnforcementProperty Search Application
Reason for Request:
Property File / Building Permit Search - $50/rollRoad Service Level Search - $50/address
First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:
Roll Number:
Postal Code:
Site Address to Search:
Reason for Information Request: A search of the record for the property noted above will be conducted solely for:
Disclaimer: The search will be conducted for the last 5 years from the date of request. A Freedom of Information (FOI) request must be submitted for any records required beyond 5 years. Visit Access to Information for instruction on how to submit an FOI request. An online application for Freedom of Information can be found on this page. Certain information can only be released to the property owner, and some documents may be redacted.
Payment Method of application fee. Payable to: Municipality of St.-Charles CashChequeMoney Ordere-Transfer([email protected])
Your Email Address
Recipient Email Address